1947 Chevrolet Pickup
A local bussiness man brought this Chevrolet for his Grandson. He dismantled the vehicle himself and commisioned Jules Bodycraft to do the metal work, paintwork and welding.

1947 Chevrolet arrival at Jules Bodycraft
Cab of Chevrolet after being shot blasted

New section of door being fitted
Section of rear cab removed and new section fitted

Chevrolet pick up being panelled and fitted

Wing and door in the spray booth ready for primer
Chevrolet in the spray booth in primer
Chevrolet in the spray booth in primer

Chevrolet pick up body re-assembled

Bonnet and grill pre fitted to vehicle

Cab filled and ready for undercoat

cab in undercoat

Cab in top coat
Chassis after being powder coated

Cab after being fitted to Chassis

Wings and pickup body being re-fitted

Wings and pickup body being re-fitted

Engine being re-fitted
1947 Chevrolet
ready for collection Customer to finish his own re-fit